Marketing & Advertising
Resource Marketing® has been providing services to a wide variety of clientele since 1991.

Resource Marketing is Digital Marketing
Yes we use and understand print media, snail mail, advertising specialities, TV, billboards and traditional media; but we also understand the efficacy of digital marketing. In 1996 we built, a web hosting company and ISP in Cincinnati because so few good options were available. We are no longer an ISP, but to this day we still run our own server network.
Email marketing
Email is proven to be the most verifiable direct marketing with the best results.
One-to-one marketing
Track prospective customers before they buy and send them offers they are interested in.
Video engagement
If a picture is worth a thousand words, 30fps is worth 30,000 words a second.
Social media is great until it isn’t
The frustration when shadow-banned rules out social media for some industries.
The cloud is the answer…
.. to many data needs. But sometimes dedicated hardware is the better solution.
Track your customer
Marketing automation lets you track your customer even before you directly engage.
Are you acquiring the data you really need?
Analyzing your current traffic and understanding where they come from and what they are looking for is key to creating and effective marketing strategy.
Tired of Google Analytics?
- Frustrated with their constant interface revisions?
- Do you think their product is more about them than you?
- You are not alone.

What is she looking for?
- Align your offerings with your customers
- Provide them realtime options
- Learn from the last customer to sell the next
“We count on Resource Marketing to help us with all things digital – from database management, web design, & email deliverability to complete digital marketing for the 21st century.”

Ashley Howarth, MD
Howarth Plastic Surgery